Where Do We Go From Here?

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—healing the grief that keeps us stuck

a writing workshop for the aftermath of Covid-19

From this morning’s New York Times … the words of Op-Ed Columnist Charles M. Blow:

“We have to find a way to collectively deal with what happened to our country during this pandemic, something beyond stimulus checks and infrastructure bills. To do that, we have to acknowledge this trauma and work through the soft power of congregation, sharing and listening.

“This is not a Congress initiative necessarily. This is a kitchen table initiative. This requires neighbor-to-neighbor outreach, communities communing. This requires some dish towel diplomacy: standing in kitchens over a cup of coffee and confessing to how hard this all has been and being seen, truly seen, by the person doing the hearing.” 

Writing coach and editor Tony Amato and I are excited to be teaching a four-week writing workshop with the intent to name, express, and heal the aftereffects of the worldwide pandemic in which we are still mired despite the vaccination effort. Writing together can be that experience of “being seen, truly seen, by the person[s] doing the hearing.” 

If you, or someone you know, need this “dish towel diplomacy,” we won’t actually be in a kitchen, but we will be in a Zoom lab. Consider this a heartfelt invitation to the table. 

Four Tuesdays beginning June 22. 7-9 PM