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Looking back over many years of writing, I see catalyzing personal events prompt my writing projects again and again. The publisher who visited me and sighed, “I need a vacation.” I said, “And what we’re looking for instead is a life that does not require that you vacate it.” He perked right up, and said he’d publish that book. God’s Dictionary.

Finishing a book on how to apply the principles of peace to emotional upset, then the inner prompt, “So, you gonna write my story now?” The Mex Mysteries.

Having been through a really rough divorce and two cross-country moves, I was down deep in the dumps when my oldest friend said, “I double dare you to write a lesbian romance novel.” I laughed. “Is there such a thing?” She told me to check on Amazon. Boots & Boas.

Being invited to write for Huffington Post, writing for Ode Magazine, blogging for website Cause You’re Beautiful for women learning their own worth, and my own ongoing essay-writing at the intersection of culture and spirituality, I see now every single thing I write is prompted by the events in my world. I am so very grateful to be a part of it.

Seeds was inspired by the metaphysician Emmet Fox. I send a weekly inspirational gift to subscribers — a quickie to open a door to deeper spiritual thought, word, and deed. Current Seed.
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Intuition … romance … musicals … mysteries … spirituality … The Mex Mysteries use Broadway musicals as ciphers and feature high femme, intuitive investigator Mexicali Rose Stone.


Butch buds … Boston-based … on the lookout for their scintillating forever femmes … Boots & Boas is all about queering and choosing family.

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